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One of the biggest novelties that online poker brought to the game is the vast selection

of game formats available 🔑 to players. While live poker rooms usually only offer a

handful of choices to the players, online poker sites offer 🔑 a variety of stakes and

game types to pick from.

SNG poker became one of the most popular variants in the 🔑 early

days of online games, as operators pushed this format heavily, and players quickly fell

in love with it.

In this 🔑 guide to poker SNGs, we will take a look at what is sit and go

poker is, how to play 🔑 it, and how to think about these games compared to MTTs, cash

games, and other game formats.

If you are new 🔑 to online poker and looking to specialize

in one game type, keep reading and find out why SNG poker might 🔑 be the right choice and

how best to adapt to it.

What Is Sit and Go Poker?

The name sit and go 🔑 (SNG, sit ‘n go)

stands for a particular type of tournament poker that slightly differs from a classic

tournament you 🔑 might see in your local card room. Unlike such scheduled events, SNGs

don't start at a particular time but kick 🔑 off when enough players register for a


The number of players needed for an SNG poker game to start can 🔑 be anywhere

between two and several hundred, but in each case, the game will only start when enough

players are 🔑 registered.

A sit-and-go tournament usually has a fixed prize pool as well,

although some poker sites have introduced "on demand" SNGs 🔑 where the prize pool can

grow when additional players register after the event starts.

A typical SNG features

fairly fast blind 🔑 levels and finishes in between one and two hours, making such games a

lot more convenient for recreational players or 🔑 part-time grinders.

Yet, SNGs retain

the traits of tournament poker, which means you will still benefit from understanding

concepts such as 🔑 ICM but will not have to play a single game for countless hours only

to receive a min-cash after a 🔑 brutal bust out.

Types of Poker SNG Games

If you open the

SNG lobby on any major online poker site, you will 🔑 notice many different types of SNGs

listed there.

For starters, you will find games at many buyin levels, ranging from

micro 🔑 stakes likeR$0.10 orR$0.50 all the way up toR$500 orR$1,000 entry fee. Beyond

that, SNGs can be played with different numbers 🔑 of players, and you will be offered

many options.

Some of the most popular single-table SNG variations include:


SNGs (two players),

6-max 🔑 SNGs (six players),

Full-ring SNGs (nine players)

Big online

poker sites like GGpoker also offer multi-table SNGs with multiple tables. These games

🔑 can require anywhere between 18 and 360 players to start and offer much bigger prize


Besides the number of players 🔑 in the SNG, different games will feature different

blind levels, with most sites typically offering hyper-turbo, turbo, normal, and slow

🔑 blinds.

The main difference between these SNG types will be their duration, with

hyper-turbo and turbo games finishing fast but allowing 🔑 you to see fewer hands

throughout the game.

As an SNG player, you will have an incredible amount of choice and

🔑 will be able to pick and choose the games you enjoy playing and have the biggest edge


SNG Poker vs. 🔑 MTTs & Cash Games

More often than not, new poker players tend to

prefer playing poker SNGs to scheduled tournaments or 🔑 cash games, and there are several

reasons for that.

Compared to scheduled tournaments which can see thousands of players

register to 🔑 play, SNGs always have a limited number of players and tend to finish quite

quickly. This is an ideal setting 🔑 for a novice player just looking to play some poker

but not necessarily spend the entire night grinding it out.

What's 🔑 even more, there is

less pressure in SNGs, as even the final table of a multi-table SNG will not have

🔑 massive pay jumps as an MTT might have.

With this in mind, the skill required to play

SNGs effectively is also 🔑 lesser. Playing in SNGs, you will not be put to the test for a

lot of money often, and your 🔑 decisions will be relatively linear in value throughout

the game.

In comparison to cash games, SNGs offer more short-term rewards, as 🔑 winning a

game will win you several buyins for a single table and up to a few dozen buyins for 🔑 a

multi-table SNG.

Furthermore, SNG poker is much easier to master, as shorter average

stacks throughout the game allow for less 🔑 maneuvering space and make every play simpler

and clear cut.

While playing SNGs profitably is certainly not simple, it could be 🔑 said

that out of the three big poker variants, SNG poker requires a skill set that is

easiest and fastest 🔑 to learn, which makes it appealing to novice players who are

looking for a game type where they can quickly 🔑 hold their own against more experienced


ROI, Hourly Win Rates, and Variance in SNGs

If you want to become a

sit-and-go 🔑 poker player, you will have to learn how to track your progress and winnings

and know whether you are winning 🔑 or losing in a particular game.

It is important to

understand that SNG poker is all about volume. The more games 🔑 you can play, the better,

provided you are playing at a high enough level to beat the games.

Due to their 🔑 fast

structure and limited winning potential in each game, SNGs are an extremely high

variance game where even the best 🔑 winning players cannot hope to win more than 10-15%

of their buyin per game.

Winnings in SNG tournaments are measured by 🔑 the same metric we

use for scheduled tournaments: return on investment (ROI).

ROI is the percentage of

your buyin you win 🔑 every time you play a particular game. Calculating this stat is easy

for the tournaments you have played already, but 🔑 you should also be able to predict

your future ROI once you play enough games.

For example, let’s imagine you are

🔑 playingR$10 single table SNGs. The first step will be to play at least a few hundred of

these quick games 🔑 to get a vague idea of how you are doing in them.

After 300 games,

you have paidR$3,000 in buyins and 🔑 cashed outR$3,300 in total. This would mean you are

winning at a 10% ROI, as yourR$300 profit represents 10% of 🔑 the overall money you

bought in for.

The next thing you should do is calculate your win rate per game (in

🔑 this case, it isR$0.30) and then calculate how many SNGs you can play in one hour to

get an idea 🔑 of your hourly win rate.

Keep in mind that 300 SNGs are actually not nearly

enough to calculate your actual win 🔑 rate, and you should probably play at least a few

thousand games before you can confidently determine your ROI.

What’s more, 🔑 an ROI of

10% in most SNG games these days is considered very high, and if you are winning at 🔑 3

or 4%, you are doing more than the majority of the field.

How to Play SNG Poker

If you

have decided 🔑 that SNGs are the game format you wish to try to master, you will need to

learn quite a few 🔑 skills and adapt to these tournaments before you can start


SNG tournaments are very fast in their nature, and there 🔑 are a few basic

stages, with major adjustments needed in each phase.

We will briefly cover each phase

of an SNG 🔑 tournament now and give you some key pointers that you should consider the

next time you play.

Early Stage SNG Play

In 🔑 its early stages, SNG tournaments resemble

MTTs in many ways. You will start with 100 big blinds in your stack, 🔑 often without an

ante in play, and well away from the money.

In this stage, you will want to play fairly

🔑 conservatively and straight-forward, as your incentive to steal the blinds is very

small. In early positions, you should only open 🔑 and play your strongest hands while

slightly expanding your range as you get into the later positions.

You should be

mindful 🔑 of playing easily dominated hands like AJ, KQ, or JT against raises and mostly

fold these hands when another player 🔑 opens the pot.

Also, consider that the amount of

chips you need to accumulate to win an SNG is much smaller 🔑 than in an MTT, which means

taking speculative lines and spots is less rewarding.

In the early stages, you will be

🔑 playing tight and aggressively while hoping that a recreational player will make a big

mistake and dump their chips your 🔑 way to double you up.

Middle Stage SNG Play

As the

blinds start to escalate and the ante kicks in, you will 🔑 need to expand your ranges and

start playing for the dead money more.

The chip stacks will quickly dwindle down to

🔑 20-30 big blinds on average, allowing you to take aggressive lines, such as shoving

over open raises from late positions, 🔑 and punish any potential limpers.

While you

should be quite reluctant to bust out with a hand like AQ or TT 🔑 in the early stages of

an SNG, the middle stages make such confrontations nearly inevitable.

Learning how to

play with short 🔑 and middling stacks will be key for this part of the game, and this may

just be the most difficult 🔑 period of an SNG to navigate properly.

Late Stage SNG


This brings us to the late-stage play, which usually starts around 🔑 the bubble in

single-table SNGs and on the final table of multi-table SNGs.

In the late stage, the

average stack will 🔑 be very short, and your only play will often be to move all-in or

fold your cards, or call off 🔑 an all-in from another player.

Fortunately, this type of

short stack play is fairly easy to learn with some simple push/fold 🔑 charts, which you

should memorize by heart before you consider playing SNGs seriously.

You will also need

to learn as much 🔑 as possible about the independent chip model (ICM), a very useful

concept in late-game situations and tournament final tables.

Combining proper

🔑 short-stack play with the right ICM decisions will make you an SNG champion, but it may

take many hours of 🔑 practice before you get there.

The Swingy Nature of SNG


Perhaps the biggest discouraging factor for many new SNG players is 🔑 the extreme

swings they often encounter in these games. Upon signing up with a new poker site,

players often manage 🔑 to build up a bit of a bankroll in a good run and expect this run

to never stop.

However, SNGs 🔑 are extremely swingy, and the variance in these games is

massive, which means even the biggest winners go on huge 🔑 losing streaks.

If you want to

play SNGs for a living or grind them part-time, you must understand that long

downswings 🔑 that will cost you dozens of buyins are inevitable.

The real art is in

recognizing when you are running badly and 🔑 when you are playing badly and doing

everything you can to always play proper poker despite the way cards may 🔑 be


Start Your SNG Journey Today

There is no way to put everything you need to

know about SNG poker into 🔑 one article, which is why this guide serves only to point you

in the right direction.

If you want to get 🔑 serious about SNGs, we recommend signing up

for a more extensive course, practicing both in play and in the lab, 🔑 and dedicating

time to learning how to play each stage of an SNG correctly.

With enough effort, you

will be able 🔑 to reach a point where you are steadily beating low to mid-stakes SNG

games, and further progress will depend on 🔑 your continued dedication to the game.


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