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onabet vem com tudo

onabet vem com tudo

Poker players may be divided into different categories of playing styles.

The most

prominent of these is undoubtedly the Tight-Aggressive Player ♨️ – or “TAG” for short.


this article, we’ll examine:

Precisely what a tight-aggressive player is,

How you can

spot them.

The starting hands ♨️ that he typically plays.

How he differs from a

loose-aggressive player (LAG)

How you can exploit him.

Defining Tight-Aggressive


put, a tight-aggressive player ♨️ is one who tends to play very few starting hands. When

he elects to play a hand, he generally plays ♨️ it aggressively. He does not like to call

with his strong hands – but rather bets or raises to drive ♨️ out opponents or make them

pay a steep cost to see future cards.

This style of play differs from that of ♨️ a “rock”

or “nit”, who tends to play an even narrower range pre-flop (especially from late

position), and who lacks ♨️ the aggression of a typical tight-aggressive


Identifying Tight-Aggressive Players

The simplest and most accurate method of

identifying a tight-aggressive player is ♨️ to watch how many hands he plays and how

aggressively he plays them. If, after a couple of orbits, an ♨️ opponent has played only

15-20% of hands, typically with a raise or 3-bet, you are almost surely dealing with a

♨️ tight-aggressive player.

You can confirm this diagnosis by making sure to observe any

hands that are shown down or otherwise exposed. ♨️ If a large percentage of them are

high-quality starting hands, you can conclude that your suspicions were correct.


may also ♨️ be able to accurately identify tight-aggressive opponents even without waiting

for a full two orbits. There are other “secondary characteristics” ♨️ that typical

tight-aggressive players display. They tend to keep their chips in even stacks of 20 –

sometimes even with ♨️ the stripes on the side of the chips lined up.

Their physical

betting of the chips is crisp and neat. They ♨️ are often very attentive, serious, and

earnest in their demeanour. This is not to say that loose-aggressive players or other

♨️ types of players can’t affect this behaviour as well. It’s just that tight-aggressive

players usually behave in this way most ♨️ of all.

Finally, be aware that the most skilled

players may change their style (known as “changing gears”) just as you ♨️ think you have

them figured out. So be ready to alter your assessment, even after you have confirmed


Tight-Aggressive Player’s ♨️ Range

A tight-aggressive player’s range will change

depending on his position, of course. Specifically, a tight-aggressive player’s range

in early position ♨️ may be no broader than QQ+ (QQ, KK, AA) and AK. In middle-position,

he may widen that range to include ♨️ TT+, ATs+, KQs, QJs, and JTs. In late position, he

might broaden it further to include AT+, A2s+, KQs, KJs, ♨️ QJ, and all 22+.


that there are all sorts of variations in the range any particular player may have –

♨️ including these tight-aggressive players. There are degrees of tightness and degrees of

aggressiveness. Similarly, these ranges are not necessarily static ♨️ – as players may

become tighter or looser as their mood, game conditions, and their opponents


They may have some ♨️ calling range – but it tends to be much narrower than a

player who is not tight-aggressive. Typically, this TAG ♨️ player is raising with his

entire range in early and middle position, and only calling in late position with his

♨️ pairs 22-88, and his suited aces A2-A9.

Tight-aggressive players are also ready to

3-bet in many situations when their hand strength ♨️ justifies it. So, for example, their

3-bet range would be likely to include KK, AA and maybe AK and QQ ♨️ from early position;

JJ+ and AK from middle position, and TT, AK, and AJs+ from late position. Keep in mind

♨️ that individual TAGs may each play a broader or narrower range than these.


important to realise that the TAG playing ♨️ style does not exclude the possibility of

including a broader raising range, a broader 3-bet range, and even a reasonable ♨️ number

of bluffing hands. Good tight-aggressive players may adjust their range to fit the

general conditions of their table, their ♨️ own image, and their specific opponents – just

as any good player would.

It’s just that the range is generally tighter ♨️ than most of

the other players at the table, and they tend to play their hands more aggressively

than the ♨️ typical player.

Tight Aggressive (TAG) Vs Loose Aggressive (LAG)


loose-aggressive (LAG) player is much more likely to play a much broader ♨️ range than the

tight-aggressive player and to play it aggressively. This strategy includes raising and

3-betting light. A tight-aggressive player ♨️ is much more likely to have higher standards

than the LAG for raising and 3-betting.

One straightforward way of understanding this

♨️ is to look at the TAG player’s range from late position. It includes many sub-premium

hands like suited Aces and ♨️ other non-pair hands. The loose-aggressive player might play

this range from any position pre-flop – and will play it for ♨️ a raise, or for a


Strengths and Weaknesses of Tight-Aggressive Play

There is nothing inherently

strong or weak about the tight-aggressive ♨️ style of play – or any style of play for that

matter. All methods of play may be used by ♨️ an expert to win money from the non-expert.

Weak players will lose no matter what style they adopt. In that ♨️ respect, no one style

is clearly or definitely better than any other. Great players utilising a

tight-aggressive style can win ♨️ a lot of money from mediocre opponents. But, so too can

loose-aggressive players win a lot of money from mediocre ♨️ opponents.

Changing Gears


key is recognising the strengths and weakness of each style – changing gears (going

from one form of ♨️ play to another) just as your opponents are figuring it out. Then,

when they start to shift their play to ♨️ adjust for the type of player, they think you

are, you should move on to a different style. When they ♨️ finally catch on to this

switch, you switch again – ad infinitum until you have turned them in a quivering ♨️ mush

of self-doubt. They end up leaving your table with their spirit and finances


The key is recognising the strengths ♨️ and weakness of each style – changing

gears (going from one form of play to another) just as your opponents ♨️ are figuring it

out. Then, when they start to shift their play to adjust for the type of player, they

♨️ think you are, you should move on to a different style. When they finally catch on to

this switch, you ♨️ switch again – ad infinitum until you have turned them in a quivering

mush of self-doubt. They end up leaving ♨️ your table with their spirit and finances

crushed. Predictability

Tight-aggressive play tends to be more predictable than

loose-aggressive style – since ♨️ the narrower pre-flop range restricts the likely range

as the hand develops. Since the TAG’s starting range is much more ♨️ restricted,

perceptive opponents will be better able to put a tight-aggressive player on a very

narrow. This scenario is less ♨️ the case with a LAG. He starts with a much broader range.

Therefore, it is often unclear whether a flop, ♨️ turn, or river helped his


Tight-aggressive play tends to be more predictable than loose-aggressive style –

since the narrower pre-flop ♨️ range restricts the likely range as the hand develops.

Since the TAG’s starting range is much more restricted, perceptive opponents ♨️ will be

better able to put a tight-aggressive player on a very narrow. This scenario is less

the case with ♨️ a LAG. He starts with a much broader range. Therefore, it is often

unclear whether a flop, turn, or river ♨️ helped his hand. Lower Variance

One advantage of

a tight-aggressive player over a loose-aggressive player is that tight aggressive play

is ♨️ less costly than loose-aggressive play, with lower variance. Since the TAG is

playing many fewer hands than the LAG, he ♨️ is spending much less money on speculative

hands. With fewer hands, in a stronger range than his LAG counterparts, he ♨️ will have

less variance. Accordingly, he can fund his play with a smaller starting


Aggressive Betting

Against inferior opponents, who do ♨️ not pay much attention

to their opponents’ style, and thereby fail to shift their play accordingly, the

tight-aggressive style has ♨️ many advantages. This type of player will win money from his

opponents when he aggressively bets his higher quality hands, ♨️ but will not lose or

waste money by being aggressive on his lower-valued hands. He doesn’t need to play as

♨️ wide a range because his weak opponents will not be observant enough or disciplined

enough to avoid him when he ♨️ is selectively aggressive.

On the other hand, by being more

predictable, his observant and skillful opponents will learn to avoid him ♨️ when he is

aggressive, diminishing his likely wins when he does win. So, though his losses will

likely be less, ♨️ so too will his potential wins.

Overall, whether the TAG does better

than the LAG will be a function of how ♨️ good an overall player he is and how bad his

opposition is. There is nothing inherent in the style of ♨️ play that dictates whether the

TAG will win or lose more in the long run than the LAG.

Techniques for Exploiting

♨️ Tight-Aggressive Players

Once you have identified a tight-aggressive player, you will

be able to attempt to exploit him. Your ability to ♨️ do so will depend, at least in part,

on how good he is – and how capable he is to ♨️ adjust his play once he notices your

attempts to exploit him.

But assuming he is no better than average, here are ♨️ some

techniques that are likely to work:

Aggression = Strength

First, recognise that his

aggression generally indicates true strength. So, when he ♨️ bets or raises, refuse to

give him action unless you have a hand that is either already strong or has ♨️ good

drawing potential. If he is extremely tight, you may do best by not playing against him

at all.

He will ♨️ be in so few hands, that you needn’t worry about your ability to make

money off the other players at ♨️ your table. Just resolve to fold your hand on the rare

occasion when he bets – and wait for the ♨️ next hand, which he is unlikely to enter

because he doesn’t have Aces or Kings.

Speculate Against the Sticky TAGs

Against other

♨️ tight-aggressive players, who have at least a reasonably broad range – especially from

late position – you can use a ♨️ few “moves” against them to extract some profit. Realise

that tight-aggressive players tend to continue to push their hands aggressively ♨️ through

the flop and turn – even when others may improve.

Accordingly, with their rare AA, KK,

or QQ from early ♨️ position, they will continue to bet it unimproved, in increasing

amounts each bet – wanting to extract maximum profit from ♨️ the narrow range they


They aren’t liable to return fire as a loose-aggressive player – since they play

so few ♨️ hands. They tend to be quite “sticky” when they have one of their few playable

hands – not wanting to ♨️ give. Against these tight-aggressive players, you can call their

pre-flop raises with many speculative hands. If you miss, you’ll fold ♨️ to their bet on

the flop. But if you hit, you’ll let them bet themselves into penury against your two

♨️ pair, sets, and flushes.

Position becomes extremely important, as you want to see his

betting action before you enter a hand ♨️ against them. Their betting will be a window

into the real strength of their hand, given their ABC-style of tight-aggressive ♨️ play.

You can play against them as if they are playing with their cards exposed.

Example of

Exploiting a Typical TAG

Here’s ♨️ an example of how that exploitive play against a

typical tight-aggressive player may work. (Bear in mind that I am ♨️ not recommending this

against a solid player – but rather against an average, mediocre or worse

tight-aggressive player.)

Pre-flop you are ♨️ in the cutoff seat in aR$1/2 game with

aR$500 effective stack against the eventual Villain who is a typical, tight-aggressive

♨️ player.

UTG folds

UTG+1 callsR$2

UTG+2 folds

UTG+3 folds

Villain is in the lo-jack

position. He raises toR$15.

Everyone folds to you. You have Qh Th.

If ♨️ he were an

extremely tight TAG, you might just fold – figuring that you needn’t bother fighting it

out with ♨️ him. Folding is undoubtedly a reasonable and safe option against a

particularly tight TAG. You’d remember the mantra “don’t feed ♨️ the nit” and just wait

for another hand.

But, assuming he’s not quite as tight as all that, you can call ♨️ here

– even though you know that you are far behind. You can call becauseR$15 is only 3% of

your ♨️ stack – giving you enormous implied odds if you hit your hand of two pair, trips,

a flush, or a ♨️ straight.

As a typical tight-aggressive player, he’s likely to keep

betting, in ever-increasing amounts. So, you call his bet on the ♨️ flop, and then either

raise him on the turn or wait for him to donk off his chips to you ♨️ on the river.


the Bluff, Selectively

The other move that may work against some of the better

tight-aggressive players is to ♨️ selectively raise them on the flop as a bluff – to get

them to release their hand, fearing that they ♨️ are now second best.

Being selective,

some good tight-aggressive players are still mindful of the possibility that the flop

may occasionally ♨️ give their opponent a very strong hand – surpassing their likely

premium pair.

If, for example, they raise pre-flop, and you ♨️ call, and then an Ace

flops. They bet, and you uncharacteristically raise, they may figure that since this so

seldom ♨️ happens to them, they are better off not chancing that you hit Aces-Up or,

worse, a set. They are then ♨️ likely to fold, congratulating themselves at their

excellent laydown (they may even show it to you).

Sometimes they will call your ♨️ raise

on the flop, hoping for a perfect turn, and you have to fire another bet on the turn

for ♨️ them to fold. Again, used very selectively, this is often an effective move against

the reasonably good (but not great) ♨️ tight-aggressive opponent.


Tight-Aggressive Player (TAG) to Loose-Aggressive Player (LAG)

In Conclusion


games are populated by all sorts of players with many ♨️ different playing styles. You

will want to be able to identify just what type of player you’re up against, so ♨️ you can

apply the correct tactics to exploit them.

Fortunately, tight-aggressive players are

relatively easy to spot. If they are very ♨️ skilled, you should avoid them altogether. If

not, you can make money off them by applying some of the tactics ♨️ we’ve explored in this


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